Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here Goes Nothin'

Welcome.  I've been on the fence about starting a blog for a bit.  I generally feel that most of the "mom blogs" out there are annoying, at best.  Most of them make me feel like I should have an opinion/clean house/dinner on the table all while being totally fashionable.  Nothing like a little pressure.  I'm going to attempt to show you the things I make.  Sometimes they turn out well, other times, I just make a mess.  The messes usually involve dinner, so you probably won't see many any recipes.  Because who needs a recipe for cereal or grilled cheese?  Plenty of places out there to figure out what to make for dinner, I'll probably see you there.

Ok, enough intro crap.  Here's what I'm working on today.  A too short dress for my almost 8 year old.  It's a 6X that I got at a thrift store a couple of years ago for a couple of bucks.  She's showing too much bum, and it's generally too hot here for leggings.  Did I mention that it's one of her favorites?  As in, "MOM!  You're not going to put my FAVORITE dress in the donation pile, are you?"  Sigh.  Note to self: clean out closets while the child is at school.

So, I'm making it into a skirt and little bolero/shrug jacket.  Here's the dress (sorry I didn't get a shot pre-chop, but you get the idea).
Choppy choppy.
  I left an inch or so above the actual "skirt" part so I could fold it over and sew, then slip some elastic through.  In hindsight I should have made a larger waist band area, as I hard a hard time sewing it due to the curly nature of knit.  No worries though, I just used a skinnier piece of elastic than I had originally planned.

For the shrug I simply cut down the middle of the top, folded it under and zig-zagged around.  I used yellow thread, I guess I could have used some cute pink, but then my drunk-like sewing would have shown up for the world to see.

And here's the after.  We'll probably get another 2 years out of it.
Future supermodel.
   Not too shabby.  I would love to know what you think!


  1. Nice work Erin..... Dee and I turned two of my old dresses into skirts years ago... Not being one to wear a bolero I simply harvested the buttons from the top and saved the scraps for project box!!!
    Good luck with your blog!

  2. So cute Erin! What a great idea. My suggestion for the waist band would be to get some coordinating material (I'm seeing pink to go with the strawberries and buttons), that way you aren't using the material from the dress for the waist band. Awesome job!
